Thursday, November 13

You've been tagged

And now... *TAG* time.

Beautiful Mich tagged me with the Bookworm award!

I (and those tagged below) are to open the closest book to page 46 and write out the 5th sentence on that page (and the following 2-5 sentences after).

As I'm reading a Russian novel now, the extract below is a translation from Russian into English. here it goes.

A Corn Crake was crying monotonously. Repetitive “crex crex” was confidently carried far in the air. The stars were twinkling slowly, the night was tranquil and silent, and everything around was still, indifferent and confident in its peaceful and mysterious beauty.

Tired, seething with smouldering irritation, I had a seat on a bench. Suddenly, close to me, a sound of an attuning violin came through the night. Surprised, I glanced back.

The Bookworm award goes to:


Giggle Pixie

Being Brazen

Kitty Cat


So tell me please, my dear blogger friends, whatcha reading?


Anonymous said...

I'm on it
will post next week!

Unknown said...

Interesting when you translate stuff. So you can read Russian? Impressive. Are you part Russian or just over there?

Janine / Being Brazen said...

Hmmm...intersting that you reading russian and can translate it very well into english.

Thanks for the tag. I will try get to this sometime soon :)